PULSAR Consulting Group presents a new AI-supported project and company evaluation tool.
Economic forensics in the context of insolvency proceedings.
PULSAR Consulting welcomes Ann-Kristin Mackensen as new Associate Partner.
is a partner-centric management consulting company based in Munich. Since the company was founded in 2003, our operations have been built around three core principles: experience. involvement. return. Our client-base comprises many prominent companies from a wide range of industries.
In most cases, we form long-term relationships with our clients, providing them with support and advice for the medium to long term. Our customer–base includes international blue-chip companies, as well as national and regional firms. PULSAR Consulting also forms the core of the PULSAR Group.
With over 80 partners, employees an associates, the PULSAR Group is a multidisciplinary consultancy firm, serving clients in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
PULSAR’s services range from analytical and conceptual strategy development to operational implementation, within the customer’s organization. An interdisciplinary and cross-industry evaluation eliminates blind spots and aims consistently at the success factors of the company based on best practices.
PULSAR’s nine fields of competence, use a holistic vision and operating method in order that progress in one place is not achieved by setbacks in others.
PULSAR Consulting´s commitment to Business Efficiency provides solutions for a sustainable profitability …
PULSAR Consulting provides legal as well as tax advisory services from a single source. Only an integrated …
The Strategy & Transaction Service Practice advises clients on various corporate finance and strategy consulting …
PULSAR´s finance excellence practise is an integrated method of aligning company resources, organization …
In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, space is becoming a central element of global infrastructure …
Constant innovation is key for a successful company development in today´s digital and global markets …
Our Financial Forensics Practice supports companies, investors and other stakeholders in uncovering …
We support startups, growth companies, and medium-sized businesses in achieving their …
In times of increasing competitive pressure, systematic Business Building & Development is a key task …
PULSAR provides solutions along the vertical value chain from manufacturing, trading and the service sector. PULSAR clients are made up from well established companies to start-ups. The results are innovative and practical solutions whilst focusing on the individual requirements of the client. Especially in efficiency driven and highly competitive well known industries i.e. automotive, energy, TMT or fashion can rely on PULSAR.
AUTOMOTIVE (OEM) | Business Process Reengineering
Analysis and optimisation of processes for the production and factory supply of / with on-board literature. Conception and optimisation of workflows with the partners involved. Realisation of efficiency potential in the upper 7-digit range.
AUTOMOTIVE (OEM) | Service processes
Recording and optimisation of service processes in the areas of service strategy, documentation and workshop. Ensuring vehicle-specific service documentation. Standardisation of in-house interfaces, significant quality improvement in the service network.
AUTOMOTIVE (OEM) | Structure system supplier USA
Establishment of a system supplier in Atlanta (USA) and connection to a US plant of a large German premium car manufacturer.
AUTOMOTIVE (OEM) | Process management E/E development
Process consulting in the electrical engineering environment. Analysis of the company-wide E/E development process and comparison with special development process models. Conceptual development of parameters and state-of-the-art analysis of the actual process. Identification of deficits and conceptualisation of proposals for process improvement.
AUTOMOTIVE (OEM) | Audit & Advisory
Operational management support in the areas of finance and controlling. Preparation and subsequent implementation of the restructuring of management reporting.
AUTOMOTIVE (IAM) | Customer loyalty programme
Integration of a bonus model into the electronic order catalogue of a supplier to the automotive industry.
AUTOMOTIVE (IAM) | Development of trading strategy
Realignment and market launch of a trading partner strategy in the parts trade with >100 affiliated partner companies. Strategic conception, development of the complete marketing programme and organisational / sales coaching during the roll-out.
AUTOMOTIVE (IAM) | Development & marketing of workshop system
Definition of the strategic value proposition of the workshop system towards the end customer to derive the system services. Development of the system modules in the areas of technical information, parts supply, logistics, corporate management & marketing. Definition of rules to ensure standardised repair and service quality. Parallel development of the business model including profitability calculation for the system centre and workshop operations. Active roll-out support including setting up a marketing unit for franchisees.
AUTOMOTIVE (IAM) | M&A - Buy-side mandate
Identification, strategic evaluation and approach of M&A targets in Germany for one of the world’s largest automotive sales organisations.
CLEAN TECH | Fundraising and corporate development
Exclusive M&A advisor for a successful fundraising round of EUR 20m. Subsequent support of the worldwide roll-out of a sustainable enhanced oil recovery technology.
CLEAN TECH | Process consulting
Analysis and realisation of new processes in the area of technical documentation and implementation of a corresponding workflow management system for a leading wind power technology company.
CLEAN TECH | Restructuring and insolvency counselling
Interim management on behalf of the administrator for the liquidation of 38 companies in the context of an energy holding insolvency with a total volume > EUR 500m.
CLEAN TECH | Fundraising and strategic financing
M&A advisor for a successful fundraising round of >EUR 30 million. Subsequent support in the area of strategic finance with focus on financial planning and analysis.
CLEAN TECH | Fundraising and business development
Exclusive M&A advisor for a successful fundraising round of >EUR 6m. Subsequent support in market and business development.
CONSUMER GOODS | Restructuring
Market position analysis with USP development, reduction of product range to core segments, expansion of German production expertise and reduction of import share. Closure of unprofitable subsidiaries. Consolidation of German market sales and increase in export share.
CONSUMER GOODS | Interim CEO - Private Equity Holding
Strategic support for the investment portfolio in the consumer goods segment.
CONSUMER GOODS | Strategy development
Strategic support for an international luxury goods manufacturer in the homeware sector. Focussing of international market activities on core markets. Reorganisation into a sales-driven production company. Further development of the ‘house of brand’ positioning.
CONSUMER GOODS | Restructuring
Strategic realignment of international sales, closure of subsidiaries and introduction of country-specific key account management, reorganisation of production and introduction of new products.
CONSUMER GOODS | Innovation processes - Category Management
Decentralisation of product development by introducing a matrix organisation and implementing a transparent and efficient innovation process for the largest German system provider of disposable packaging and tableware, HACCP products and concepts for table settings.
FINANCIAL SERVICES | Organisational development
Global organisational development in the area of information management / HR strategy (incl. business planning) for the largest financial services provider in Germany.
HEALTH CARE | Strategie Kundeninformation 2020
Benchmarking und Entwicklung der Kundeninformationstechnologiestrategie 2020 für den weltweit führenden Health-Care Technologiehersteller.
HEALTH CARE | IT-Projektmanagement
Implementierung und europaweiter Roll-out von Microsoft Dynamics Navision eine der führenden Clinical Research Organisationen.
INDUSTRY | Governmental Affairs
Optimierung von Offsetprogrammen in mehreren Zielländern. Politisches Lobbying. Erschliessung neuer Marktregionen. Partnering und Venturing private Unternehmen.
INDUSTRY | Business Development
Neupositionierung bei staatlichen Kunden und internationalen Organisationen. Hochrangiges Lobbying von Regierungskontakten und Markterschliessung. Definition von europäischen Produktgruppen. Internationales Partnering und Venturing private Unternehmen.
INDUSTRY | Potentialprogramm & Strategische Neuausrichtung
Analyse der Kosten- und Werttreiber des Unternehmens zur Identifikation ungenutzter Potentiale. Konsolidierung der Finanzabteilung und Ausrichtung der eigenen Produktionskapazitäten auf margenstarke Produkte und Kundensegmente. Entwicklung der Unternehmensgesamtstrategie und Outsourcing von Randprogrammen an regionale Produktionspartner.
IT HARDWARE PROVIDER | Strategische Finanzen
CFO-Interimsmanagement und strategische Finanzberatung für einen Anbieter von IT-Lösungen.
IT SOLUTIONS PROVIDER | Fundraising und Rechtsberatung
M&A-Berater für eine erfolgreiche Fundraising-Runde.
MEDIA | Digital Transformation
Entwicklung und Umsetzungsbegleitung der digitalen Transformation des Geschäftsmodells bei einer der größten Regionalzeitungsverlage Europas.
MEDIA | Innovation Process Engineering
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Outside-In Innovationsprozesses für einen der größten europäischen TV-Übertragungsdienstleister für Live-Sport.
RETAIL | Innovation Process Engineering
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Outside-In Innovationsprozesses für den größten europäischen Elektroeinzelhändler inkl. Analyse und Bewertung von innovativen Geschäftsmodellen und Produkten anhand eines standardisierten für den Kunden angepassten Bewertungsmodells.
RETAIL | Markterschließung DACH
Markt-Potentialanalyse und Definition der Markteinführungsstrategie für einen Premium Anbieter im Bereich Casual und Function. Aufbau der Vertriebsorganisation und Listung im Retail. Aufbau und interimistischer Betrieb der Operations.
RETAIL | Repositionierung
Stufenweise Modernisierung der Kollektion. Restrukturierung des Einkaufs, Produzentenreduktion und Professionalisierung des Sourcings zur Margenverbesserung. Entwicklung eines neuen Marketingkonzepts zur Rückgewinnung von Key Accounts und Ausbau der Exportmärkte. Einführung von Kostenkontrollmanagement.
SPORTS | Third Party Opinion
Erarbeitung einer Third Party Opinion inkl. Bewertung für ein potentielles Investment für einen der größten Sportvereine der Welt.
TECH | Marketing, CRM
Konzeption und Restrukturierung des CRM Fachbereichs des größten europäischen Internet Service Providers.
TECH | M&A - Sell-side Mandat
Erarbeitung von strategischen M&A Optionen mit anschließender Begleitung des Verkaufs eines britischen B2C Computerhandels.
TECH | M&A - Sell-side Mandat
Strategische Evaluation, Identifizierung und Ansprache von M&A Targets in der DACH Region für einer der weltweit größten IT Firmen.
TELCO | Innovation Process Engineering
Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Inside-Out Innovationsprozesses für den größten deutschen Telekommunikationsanbieter inkl. Analyse und Bewertung von innovativen Geschäftsmodellen und Produkten anhand eines standardisierten für den Kunden angepassten Bewertungsmodells.
TELCO | Spin-off & Carve-out
Strategische und operative Begleitung der Spin-off Aktivitäten im Bereich Inkubationsmanagement des größten deutschen Telekommunikationsanbieters.
TELCO | Aufbau IoT Investment Holding
Konzeption und Aufbau einer IoT Investment Holding inkl. Partnersuche, Definition Kernprozesse und Bereitstellung Due Diligence.
WHOLESALE | Innovation Process Engineering
Konzeption, Umsetzung und interimistische Begleitung eines Outside-In Innovationsprozesses für den größten europäischen Großhändler für verbrauchsorientierte Sortimentskonzepte inkl. Analyse und Bewertung von innovativen Geschäftsmodellen und Produkten anhand eines standardisierten für den Kunden angepassten Bewertungsmodells.
WHOLESALE | Digital Transformation
Entwicklung und Umsetzungsbegleitung der digitalen Transformation des Geschäftsmodells bei einer der größten Cash & Carry Verbundgruppe Deutschlands.