Dr. Freddy Kedak | Lawyer* (Of Counsel)

Work Experience
  • Many years of experience as in-house counsel for listed and medium-sized companies
  • Many years of experience as a lawyer with leading international business law firms
  • Owner of KEDAK. Unternehmensrecht

Licensed specialist lawyer for commercial- and corporate law
  • Corporate / Commercial and Company Law
  • Shareholder disputes/conflict resolution / litigation
  • Corporate transactions / M&A
  • Start-up financing/Venture Capital
  • Private Equity


English, German

  • Ph.D in Law at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
  • Legal clerkship in Constance, Munich and London
  • Law studies at the University of Constance

  • M&A Today Global Awards 2024 und 2023 – Best Attorney of the Year – Munich, Germany
  • Corporate America Today Award 2024
  • Lawyers Legal 100 Award 2024
  • Global Excellence Awards 2024 und 2023 – Best Specialist Commercial & Corporate Law Germany
  • Innovation & Excellence Award 2023

  • Munich Bar Association / Münchener Juristische Gesellschaft e.V. / Scientific Association for Corporate and Business Law (VGR) e.V. / Banking Law Association – Scientific Association for Banking Law (BrV) e.V. / German Bar Association Commercial and Corporate Law and Banking and Capital Markets Law Working Groups.

Fiels of activity
Corporate / Commercial and Corporate Law
  • Our range of advice covers the entire spectrum of commercial and corporate law, from the preparation and implementation of shareholders’ meetings and general meetings to corporate governance advice and liability issues of the board of directors and management. In addition, we advise our clients on restructurings and in the context of reorganizations.
Conflict resolution / shareholder disputes / litigation
  • We advise our clients in court on corporate disputes, directors’ and officers’ liability and post-M&A disputes. We also focus on advising and representing our clients in all commercial and business law disputes involving cooperations and joint ventures as well as disputes along the supply chain.
Private Equity / Venture Capital
  • In the area of private equity, we advise on all legal and tax aspects of a transaction in the small-cap and mid-cap segment. In the area of venture capital, we advise start-ups on their formation, legal and tax structuring, financing rounds, restructuring and accompany the “going public” and exit of the founders.

*Not a shareholder, partner or employee of the PULSAR Group and its affiliates

Your contact person
Dr. Freddy Kedak

copyright pulsar consulting group

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business, management, start, a, business, marketing, services, financial, planning, financial, management, personal, finance, process, systems, management, marketing, services, web, hosting, services, business, services, web, design, services, business, plans, product, development, business, marketing, business, promotion, e-commerce, advisory, triz, management, consulting, pulsar, it-beratung, und, softwareentwicklung, softwarearchitektur, software-architektur, innovationsmanagement, innovation, management, innovationsmanagement, softwareentwicklung, IT-audit, evaluierung, bewertung, software, development, excellence, softwarenahe, beratung, management, consulting, innovation, process, innovation, process, engineering, projektleitung, entwicklungsprojekte, software, projekte, standardisierte, entwicklungsprozesse, devops, development, operations, development, automatization, automatisierung, von, entwicklungsprozessen, entwicklungsautomatisierung, software, elearning, demo, spy, knowledge, management, rational, hardware, bluetooth, palm, os, image, recruiting, antispam, panorama, obd, emule, network, reverse, engineering, webcam, trading, development, pvr, symbian, linus, cpu, test, cnc, unternehmensbewertung, navgon, multi, level, internet, webserver, information, technology, free, new, medical, management, system, business, center, creative, nutritional, automation, science, bio, free, legal, ohb, healthcare, speech, crucial, job, optical, helix, wifi, web, automotive, mechanical, reverse, civil, genetic, service, process, manufacturing, aerospace, foundation, advanced, reliability, open, source, power, usability, erfahrung, erfahrungen, erfolg, erfolgreich, erfolgreiche, erfolgsabhängige, erfolgsfaktoren, ergebnis, ergebnisse, erstellung, experte, finanzabteilungen, finanzen, fokus, führen, führung, geschäftsführer, geschäftsmodelle, geschäftsprozesse, gründung, gutachten, holding, ideation, implementierung, informationen, initiativen, innovation, innovationen, innovationsmanagement, innovationsprojekte, innovationsprozess, innovationsprozesse, innovativ, integriert, intern, investoren, involvement, kompetenz, komplex, konsequent, konzeption, kooperation, kosteneinsparung, kostenmanagement, kostentreiber, kunden, kundenservice, langjährig, leistungen, lösungen, manager, marketing, markteinführung, medien, münchen, nachhaltig, netzwerk, operativ, optimal, optimiert, optimierung, organisation, organisationsentwicklung, partner, planung, position, potential, potentialprogramm, produkte, produktion, profund, programm, projekt, projektinvestition, projektmanagement, prozess, realisation, ressourcen, restrukturierung, return, service, servicequalität, services, software, spezialisierung, steuerung, strategie, strategieentwicklung, strategisch, strukturiert, team, teams, technologie, transaktion, umsatz, umsetzung, unterhaltungselektronik, unternehmen, unternehmensführung, unternehmensplanung, unterstützung, value, verantwortlich, verantwortlicher, vertrieb, vorbereitung, weiterentwicklung, wertschöpfungskette, wettbewerb, wirtschaftsprüfung, development, excellence, innovationsmanagement, it-audit, fachliche, evaluierung, mobile, lösungen, versicherung, telekommunikation, retail, healthcare, automotive, produktmanagement, technisches, assessment, inkubation, competence, network, microservices, architektur, agile, entwicklung, scrum, softwarearchitektur, software-architektur, innovationsmanagement, innovation, management, innovationsmanagement, softwareentwicklung, IT-audit, evaluierung, bewertung, software, development, consulting, engineering, projektleitung, entwicklungsprojekte, software, projekte, integration, standardisierte, entwicklungsprozesse, devops, development, automatisierung, entwicklungsprozessen, entwicklungsautomatisierung